Alex said:
Going well so far, relaxed yet working atmosphere compared to the first time we came to linnet.
Gives us a chance to get stuck in with doing some hard work, so far the gokart track is built just a few things in and around the track needs doing.
First thing me and my group did was dig a long path going towards the track, was tough to start with as the ground was full of attached roots but we worked together as a team to get through the path.
Yesterday my group are getting a chance to go through our course work and improve areas that need improving including stuff from the first year, had a meeting with sue to go through what needs doing so far and who we need to see about the work to get it improved.
Getting another chance to do our work today and doing our presentation with Jason.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the week.
Alex Charlalambours

Sadie said,
Well after the passing phase 1 i never wanted to return to linnet Clough ever again!! But I’m glad I have, even though it’s only Wednesday and iv got a few days left to go, we have done a lot of work.
We have been given the chance to boost our grades from last year, I am hoping to go from a merit to a distinction and also do a new assignment on terrorism, which I received a merit for. Im really pleased about that.
The go kart track is looking really good, yesterday we was digging up all the mud in the middle to make it flat and slopes on the edges, really ache today though!! I’d like to say thank you to all the people who made this trip happen as i think it is just what we needed to bring us all back together again, and as i am in a different group to last year its given me a chance to get to know everyone and make friends. I’m also really looking forward for what Bobs got planned for us tomorrow
Sadie Burrows
Josh said,
Linnet phase 2 is a great experience!
Building/adding to the go-kart track has been fun, we are working together to get the project completed. Even with the weather at its poorest, people are still working hard and enjoying the experience.
In addition the food is spot on and it's always nice to get 2nds! Great time so far.
Josh Boam
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